2012년 8월 30일 목요일

My Goals

   I tend to lack creativity in my writing. I always come up with similar method to approach the problem. Since, I always come up with similar ideas, similar way of thinking, similar details, I feel like I am like a printer. I get the question, and results comes out from my hand. No difference in each paper. During this semester I wish to add different colors to each paper I write.

   Also I have hard time writing specific details to support my idea. I don't know why, but I always want to generalize the details, and facts. I want to fix this tendency and make my writing more logical, with many specific ideas, and examples to back up my topic sentence.

   Last but not least, I make quite lots of grammar mistakes in my writing. Such as articles, word forms, and sentence structrue. I hope that I would be able to lessen my grammar mistakes this semester.


2012년 8월 29일 수요일

About Me

   Well, My name is Park Jinwoo. And I am a 17th waver in korean minjok leadership academy. I am "frosh" here, spending my second semester. I was in international class during the first semeseter, but I changed to domestic class for the second semester. I thought a lot about my career and I decided that domestic would be much more helpful for my career.

   I have not decided my dream yet. I enjoy science especially physics, and biology. Still, I am also intereseted in various fields, such as economics, and group psychology. I am looking for a job that would suit me best, and most enjoyable.

   My favorite sports are playing basketball and snow boarding. I really really love snowboarding during the winter. Just because that I can do snowboarding during the winter, winter is my favorite season.

   I'm also participating in various club activities. I'm doing various campaigns and camps in the MUNESCO. In SIGMA I go to elementary school every week to teach math and science. And I take a role as a b-boy in Rhyme Factory. For 전야제 our crew practiced a lot, and danced.

   Those are brief introducing of myself, and I hope now you know better about me than before.