Now a days, we consider creativeness as one of the most important perspectives. However, at the same time our society has atmosphere which turns creative person into troublemaker. No matter how creative the individual is, if no one from society supports the individual, creativeness will not be expressed easily and creative developments would not happen easily either. Surroundings of the individual not only affects how well the creativeness is expressed but also, how creative the individual can be developed and improved.
In fact, we can easily observe many people with potentials having trouble because of bias of others. Especially it is often that more the one’s social status is low more bad impressions people have towards he or she. As the result, even though a lot of students have high potentials of creativeness, their creative acts are seemed to be troublesome and off the rules just because of their low social status. Not only for people with low social status, it is found out that people have overall negative impressions on creative people. According to the research done on 2004 by Gallop, people thinks “creative outgoing people” as “one’s who only care about themselves and careless towards social duties”. Also even teachers, they tend to prefer students with high intelligence rather than students with high creativeness. And this tendency is kept until today.
This status quo raise one question. Why modern society shows irony of wanting creative people, but at the same time having bad images on them? Many possible answers probably exist, but to start with it’s because we only focus on results of creativeness. Actually, many parents would want their children to have creativeness developed so they can create creative results. This focus of results would create unproductive competes. And these nonproductive competes and focus on results will just make things worth. Being more estranged with creating new innovations. Then what is needed to make appropriate society? People with eyes of finding and noticing creative people and creative things, and atmosphere that encourage creative works are needed. This two features may be more important than having creative people.
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